Questions to ask a therapist, counselor, or psychologist in Long Beach, CA

You did it! You found a few therapists actually accepting clients right now in Long Beach, CA. They are all within budget, have availability matching yours, and seem pretty nice! All these therapists also offer a free consultation… but what does that mean? What are you supposed to ask or say? What is appropriate for this “consultation?”

Questions to ask a Therapist in Long Beach, CA

It is intimidating starting the process of therapy and opening yourself up, but now you have to interview the therapists?! Yes. Although you do not have to I would highly recommend asking potential therapists a few clarifying questions so you know they are the right fit for you.

Here is a list of the top questions to ask a therapist during your free consultation:

Question #1: Do you have experience working with the issues I am looking for help with?

Not every therapist is the same and their experience is often widely varied. Make sure to ask specifically and directly if the potential therapist has actually worked with the issues you need help with. This may save you and the therapist a lot of time, stress, and resources if they are not the right fit for your needs.

Question #2: What should I expect from a session with you?

This is a great question to ask as it helps you have a framework for what treatment may look like. As I mentioned before, each therapist is different and has their own unique style. This question not only helps reduce fear of the unknown when entering treatment but sheds light on what each therapist’s approach to treatment may be.

Question #3: How do you know therapy is working with your clients?

This question is important because it helps you understand how each therapist tracks progress with their clients. Some forms of therapeutic treatment are goal-oriented and very structured, clearly tracking behavioral milestones for progress. Other forms of treatment are more abstract and insight-oriented. Asking this question clarifies the therapist’s approach to wellness and progress with their clients.

Question #4: How long have you been practicing therapy?

Asking this question is very straightforward but gives a quick snapshot of your potential therapist’s experience. It is a great grounding question to provide quick insight into who you may be working with.

Question #5: How can I prepare for my first session?

If after speaking with your prospective therapist you feel this is a good fit, ask what they recommend you do to prepare for your first session. It may be helpful to go into your first session with a framework for what the first session of therapy will be like. This question also clarifies the needed documentation prior to the first session.

Use this list to help you find the right therapist in Long Beach, CA. If you are still feeling stuck, feel free to call me at (562) 353-7136 for a free 15-minute phone consultation. I’d be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person.

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Miranda Palmer
I have successfully built a cash pay psychotherapy practice from scratch on a shoestring budget. I have also failed a licensed exam by 1 point (only to have the licensing board send me a later months later saying I passed), started an online study group to ease my own isolation and have now reached thousands of therapists across the country, helped other therapists market their psychotherapy practices, and helped awesome business owners move from close to closing their doors, to being profitable in less than 6 weeks. I've failed at launching online programs. I've had wild success at launching online programs. I've made mistakes in private practice I've taught others how to avoid my mistakes. You can do this. You were called to this work. Now- go do it! Find some help or inspiration as you need it- but do the work!

FAQs about counseling, therapy, psychotherapy, and coaching in LongBeach, CA


Finding a therapist, counselor, or psychologist in Long Beach, CA